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Shareholding Structure

Shareholding Structure

Information updated as of December 31, 2019

Credicorp Ltd. 15.7%

Breca Inmobiliaria S.A.C. 13.8%

Inversiones Piuranas S.A.8.2%

Grupo Piurano de Inversiones S.A.6.1%

Pennsylvania Corp.4.9%

Mount Schiehallion Overseas Ltd.4.8%

Good Rate Corporation 4.4%

Juan Carlos Verme Giannoni 4.4%

Rosalina Helguero Romero 4.0%

Otros 2,202 accionistas 33.6%


Related companies

Related companies

Information updated as of January 13, 2021

Centenario Desarrollo Urbano S.A.C. (CDU, in Spanish)

99.9% stake owned by ICSAA

Centenario Renta Inmobiliaria S.A.C. (CRI, in Spanish)

99.9% stake owned by ICSAA

Enotria S.A.

48.0% stake owned by ICSAA

Prinsur S.A.C.

MacrOpolis and Almonte 99.9% stake owned by CDU

Paz Centenario S.A.

Housing Business

50.0% stake owned by CDU

Villa Club S.A.C.

99.9% stake owned by Paz Centenario S.A.

Multimerca-dos Zonales S.A.C.


99.9% stake owned by CRI

Centro Empresarial El Derby S.A.

51% stake owned by CRI

Interaméri-ca de Comercio S.A.C.

N/A 99.9% stake owned by CRI

Nuevas Inv. Centro Comercial Camino Real S.A.C.

Camino Real Mall
99.9% stake owned by CRI

Inmobiliaria San Silvestre S.A.C.

Maristas’s land 99.9% stake owned by CRI

Inversiones Real Once S.A.

R11 Parking Lot 50.0% stake owned by CRI

Inv. Nueva Metrópoli S.A.C.

Property Management Service

99.9% stake owned by CRI

Centenario Hoteles S.A.C.

San Isidro Hotel, Piura Hotel, etc. 50% stake owned by CENSAL S.A.C.

MZ Inmobiliaria & Desarrolladora S.A.C

96.0% stake owned by ICSAA


50.0% stake owned by Centenario Hoteles S.A.C.

Corporación Hotelera Arequipa S.A.C.

99.9% stake owned by CENSAL Group

Corporación Hotelera Piura S.A.C

99.9% stake owned by CENSAL Group

Corporación Hotelera Lima S.A.C.

99.9% stake owned by CENSAL Group

Centro Emp. El Derby S.A.

Cronos 51% stake owned by Centenario Oficinas S.A.C.

Information for Shareholders

Information for Shareholders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the requirements and procedure to be followed by owners to sell their shares at INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A.?

  • First, you should contact a Brokerage Company of your choice in order to sign a contract to allow them to sell your shares. Once the first step is completed, contact CAVALI to submit a Security Transfer Request form.

2. What are the requirements for the shareholders of INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A. in order to change their ownership?

  • See the ownership change requirements in the following link. See Ver here

3. What is a Brokerage Company?

  • Brokerage Companies (SAB, for its Spanish acronym) are institutions that act as intermediaries in the stock market and are supervised by the Peruvian Stock Market Superintendence (SMV, for its Spanish acronym). As intermediaries, they are in charge of conducting transactions according to the instructions of each investor.

4. Where can I receive the dividends from Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.?

  • In order to do so, visit the offices of CAVALI S.A. (Av. Santo Toribio 143 – Office # 501, San Isidro) or contact Nataly Robles (Phone: 311-3283/Email: nataly.robles@cavali.com.pe) or Manuel Natal (Phone: 311-3266/Email: mnatal@cavali.com.pe), from Monday to Friday, between 9 AM to 5 PM.

5. How can the dividends of a deceased owner of INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A. be received?

  • To receive the dividends of a deceased owner, the heirs shall start the Ownership Transfer Process.

6. How can I request information about a deceased owner of shares at INVERSIONES CENTENARIO S.A.A.?

  • In order to do so, the heir of the deceased owner has to visit the offices of CAVALI with an original verbatim copy of the Registry Entry in which the intestate succession or testament registration appears, which must not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from its issuance.
Dividend payment procedure and list of shareholders
Download the dividend payment procedure here
Official Notices

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of Centenario Group depicts the way we shall work and includes the principles and guidelines to be followed by all under its scope. This code is designed for helping us evaluate and face different situations we can encounter. Download the Code of Ethics of Centenario Group here
Internal Regulations of the Crime Prevention Model
The Anti-Corruption Policy and the Guidelines of Conduct for Suppliers, Contractors and Subcontractors define the mechanisms and procedures to be followed to avoid acts of corruption, bad practices and negative effects on the Group’s culture. Download the Anticorruption and Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Policy here. Download the Conduct Guidelines for Contractor Suppliers and Subcontractors here.
Commitment to investors

Corporate Social Responsibility Mission

Our actions are intended to strengthen relationships of trust and mutual growth with our main target groups allowing for the generation of value, construction of sustainable cities and the contribution of Centenario to the sustainable development of the country.

With our Target Groups

Centenario, voluntarily and publicly undertakes the commitment of an ethical and transparent management of our main target groups, as part of their business strategy and culture.

Business Ethics

The strong reputation of Centenario in Peru is due to the integration of moral behaviors that part from inside the company but also extend to its relationships with the environment.

We adopt good corporate governance practices by showing an ethical behavior, anti-corruption commitment, and by holding fair competition practices in the execution of our operations. Likewise, Centenario has a Code of Ethics socialized among its employees at all organizational levels, and also has a platform that receives the opinions of workers about how the company is being managed.

With shareholders

Our actions are based on principles of good corporate governance for Peruvian companies under the supervision of the Peruvian Stock Market Superintendence.

We annually meet the regulations included in the manual for prevention and detection of laundering and/or terrorism financing, which is prepared by the Peruvian Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF, for its Spanish acronym).

Director’s Information

Dionisio Romero Paoletti (Presidente del Directorio):

Birth year: 1965. Gender: Male. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Brown University (USA) and an MBA from Stanford University (USA). He is the deputy chairman of the board of directors of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. and director of Ransa Comercial S.A, Sierra Metals Inc., etc. He is also the chairman of the board of directors of Credicorp Ltd., Banco de Crédito del Perú, Pacífico Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., Alicorp S.A.A., Palmas del Espino S.A., Agrícola del Chira S.A., etc. He has a fourth-degree collateral kinship with the director Mr. Luis Romero Belismelis. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2002.

Juan Carlos Verme Giannoni (Vicepresidente del Directorio):

Birth year: 1964. Gender: Male. He is a businessman with Management studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He is the chairman of the board of directors of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. He is also director of Credicorp Ltd., Banco de Crédito del Perú, Cerámica Lima S.A., Corporación Cerámica S.A., Inversiones y Propiedades S.A., W.W.G. del Perú S.A., Colegios Pro-Educa S.A., Lumni Perú S.A., Endeavor Perú, Atlantic Security Holding Corp., CRP HOLDCO S.A., IDCQ CRP S.A.C., Administradora Clínica Ricardo Palma S.A., and Fondo Talento S.A. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 1990

Jaime Araoz Medanic:

Birth year: 1971. Gender: Male. He has a professional degree in Business Administration from the Universidad de Lima (Peru) and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management (USA). He is the CEO of BRECA, its Corporate Center and Continental Holding. He also is the director of Rimac, Compañía Minera Raura, Corporación Peruana de Productos Químicos, EXSA, real estate companies of Breca Group, INTURSA, Melón (Chile), Marcobre, Minsur and TASA. Likewise, he is the alternate director of BBVA Banco Continental and member of the executive committee of Aporta. He is the director of the Peruvian Institute of Economics. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2018.

Gianfranco Ferrari de las Casas:

Year of birth: 1965. Gender: Male. Bachelor of Business Administration from Universidad del Pacífico and MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Mr. Ferrari has been Deputy General Manager and Universal Banking Manager of Credicorp Ltd., as well as General Manager of BCP from April 2018 to December 2021. He is currently General Manager of Credicorp. He has worked at Credicorp Ltd. since 1995. Mr. Ferrari has a wide and diverse experience that includes holding strategic positions such as Manager of Corporate Banking and Corporate Finance, Central Manager of Retail Banking and Wealth Management at BCP and General Manager of BCP Bolivia from 2005 to 2008. Led the acquisition of Edyficar in 2009 and Mibanco in 2014. In 2015, he began leading the Digital Transformation Strategy. He is also Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mibanco and a member of the Board of Directors of BCP Bolivia. He has been a Director of the Company since February 2022.

Roberto Enrique Dañino Zapata (Independent director):

Birth year: 1951. Gender: Male. He is a lawyer graduated from the law schools of Harvard University and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has served as Prime Minister and Ambassador of Peru in the United States, as well as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the World Bank. He has also been partner and CEO of the Latin American Practice in Wilmer Cutler & Pickering, Washington D.C. (currently Wilmer Hale). He is now a member of the International advisory board of Goldman Sachs, EVERIS and Open Society Foundations. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2013.

Fernando Fort Marie:

Birth year: 1940. Gender: Male. He is a lawyer graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, exercising his profession in Estudio Fort, Bertorini, Godoy & Asociados, mainly dedicated to business consulting. He has held the position of director of various companies in Peru. He is member of the board of directors of Credicorp Ltd, Banco de Crédito del Perú, Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A.C. and Motores Diesel Andino S.A. (MODASA). Mr. Fort is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since its foundation.

Ariel Magendzo Weinberger:

Birth year: 1965. Gender: Male. He is a civil and industrial engineer from the University of Chile. He also holds a master’s degree in Administrative Sciences with a specialization in the field of Corporative Strategy and Finance from the Sloan School of Management at the MIT (USA). He is currently CEO of Paz Corp. S.A. (Chile). He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2012.

José Antonio Onrubia Holder:

Birth year: 1956. Gender: Male. He is a business administrator. He is the director of Alicorp S.A.A., Ransa Comercial S.A., Trabajos Marítimos S.A., Palmas del Espino S.A., Primax S.A., El Pacífico Peruano Suiza Cía. de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., Compañía Universal Textil S.A., as well as of various companies in the commercial and service sectors comprising Romero Group. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2003.

Martín Pérez Monteverde:

Birth year: 1965. Gender: Male. He is a business administrator graduated from the Universidad del Pacífico (Peru). Senior executive with 27 years of experience in the private sector, holding CEO positions and being member of boards of directors of privately held and publicly traded companies and groups. He is a former congressman of the Republic and minister of foreign trade and tourism. He is the director of leading financial and real estate companies in the country such as Credicorp Ltd., Banco de Crédito del Perú, Pacifico Seguros, Sigma Safi, Toyota del Perú, etc. He was president of the National Confederation of Private Business Associations (CONFIEP, for its Spanish acronym) from 2015-2017. He is directly involved in institutions related to the economic sector such as the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE, for its Spanish acronym) (former president), Peruvian Foreign Trade Association (ComexPeru, for its Spanish acronym) (director) and inPERU Association (director), among others. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2012.

Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis:

Birth year: 1961. Gender: Male. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economic Science from Boston University (USA). Credit officer at Atlantic Security Bank. He was CFO of Alicorp S.A.A. and CEO of Corporación General de Servicios S.A. He is currently the chairman of the board of directors of Ransa Comercial S.A., Trabajos Marítimos S.A. (Tramarsa) and Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A. (TISUR); deputy chairman of the board of directors of Alicorp S.A.A., Cía. Universal Textil S.A., R. Trading S.A. and director of Banco de Crédito del Perú, Credicorp Ltd., Pacífico Cía. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Corporación Primax S.A., Palmas e Industrias del Espino S.A. and various companies of the industrial, trading and service sectors comprising Romero Group. He has fourth-degree collateral kinship with the director Mr. Dionisio Romero Paoletti. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2006.

Rolando Antonio Arellano Cueva (Director Independiente):

Birth year: 1952. Gender: Male. He is Doctor d’Etat (Ph.D.) in Management Sciences from the Universidad de Grenoble (France), holds MBA from ESAN and graduated as a psychologist from PUCP (Peru). He has written 21 books on emerging market growth, has been professor and director of the MBA in International Business of the University de Quebec, Canada and professor in universities of different countries. Among other positions, he is member of the Conseil National du Développement et la Solidarité Internationale of the French Government and of the advisor committee of the International Center for Financial Education and Capability. He is chairman of ARELLANO, a consulting company, with offices in 3 countries and different operations in the region. He is a director of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. since 2018.

“It is hereby certified that all the aforementioned directors of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. act as owners, having no alternate or deputy directors among them.”



Find out about the set of rules that regulate the operation of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. and its reason for being.

Download the statute of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A aquí

Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy

Current dividend policy approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.

Download the Inversiones Centenario dividend policy aquí

Corporate Governance Report

Report on compliance with Good Corporate Governance

Measures adopted during 2021 on compliance with the Code of Good Corporate Governance for Peruvian Companies in order to comply with the best conduct practices before the Stock Market.

Download the 2021 Good Corporate Governance report aquí

Other documents

Other Documents

Información actualizada al 27 de octubre de 2020

Hechos de importancia

Stock Market Portal

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

Download the sustainability report here